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Publication assistance - Chennai
Wednesday, 23 March, 2022
Item details
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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Item description
Research paper publication in a journal or conference is a significant activity inside the academic community. It helps you to network and share your research ideas with other scholars thereby refining your research further.
The Process Flow Involved:
1. Rapid Technical Review (Technical Quality Check - Elements, Sub-Elements, Technical Flow, Originality Check)
2. Proofreading (Language Quality Check - Proper use of singular and plural nouns, Subject – verb agreement, Spelling mistakes, Framing of sentences, Appropriate usage of consecutive nouns, Words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context, checking your whole document carefully to ensure that even complicated papers on difficult subjects turn out perfect.)
3. Plagiarism Check
4. Journal Selection
5. Journal Formatting ( Word / LaTex as per Journal Guidelines)
6. Journal Submission
7. Journal Follow-up
8. Technical Communication Support with the Journal
Research paper writing and publication involves a comprehensive pedagogy that requires a lot of support. A major need is in manuscript preparation as per the rules outlined by the target journal. With an experienced team of editors, having knowledge in various subject areas, we supply substantive redaction for journal articles and manuscripts.
Over these years, we've earned a record for generating publishable quality articles and showcasing them in a variety of high impact factor. In our endeavour to kick-start your academic career, we have a tendency to keep our team’s data upright with the technologies and policies being followed within the analysis publication trade.
We help you to present your research paper in the best conceivable manner and get an instant approval after submitting it to a high impact journal. We help you publish your research paper in international journals of repute.
For more information: ☎️ +91 98945 950 35
The Process Flow Involved:
1. Rapid Technical Review (Technical Quality Check - Elements, Sub-Elements, Technical Flow, Originality Check)
2. Proofreading (Language Quality Check - Proper use of singular and plural nouns, Subject – verb agreement, Spelling mistakes, Framing of sentences, Appropriate usage of consecutive nouns, Words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context, checking your whole document carefully to ensure that even complicated papers on difficult subjects turn out perfect.)
3. Plagiarism Check
4. Journal Selection
5. Journal Formatting ( Word / LaTex as per Journal Guidelines)
6. Journal Submission
7. Journal Follow-up
8. Technical Communication Support with the Journal
Research paper writing and publication involves a comprehensive pedagogy that requires a lot of support. A major need is in manuscript preparation as per the rules outlined by the target journal. With an experienced team of editors, having knowledge in various subject areas, we supply substantive redaction for journal articles and manuscripts.
Over these years, we've earned a record for generating publishable quality articles and showcasing them in a variety of high impact factor. In our endeavour to kick-start your academic career, we have a tendency to keep our team’s data upright with the technologies and policies being followed within the analysis publication trade.
We help you to present your research paper in the best conceivable manner and get an instant approval after submitting it to a high impact journal. We help you publish your research paper in international journals of repute.
For more information: ☎️ +91 98945 950 35