STC Technologies - STC Technologies Certification - Chennai

Tuesday, 8 May, 2012

Item details

City: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Offer type: Sell


Contact name Jack Author

Item description

STC Technologies is a pioneer in the Train and Hire model. This model has proven to be a huge success for them because it solves the problem of both the employer and the aspirant. The employer will be looking for someone to hire whom they can place them in the project as and when they hire, since the time taken and costs involved in training a fresher to make them ready is huge and not generally affordable by the company taking into account the average attrition rate. This discourages the company from hiring the fresher from college even when there is huge demand for quality workforce in the company. The aspirants who are fresher out of college, however qualified they may be, however good their institution could have been, they lack one important thing that the companies seek from them – they lack experience and industry training.
That is where STC Technologies come in. They partner with the IT companies to gather their exact training requirements and then select eligible fresher for them to provide training. The students then undergo rigorous training which makes them more qualified than the experienced people in the Industry since they are being directly by Industry experts and the curriculum they are being taught is directly developed based on the requirements of the IT companies in mind.